Saturday, November 14, 2009

Downtown is the Real Loser in Cobleskill Town and Village Elections

A lot has happened in Downtown Cobleskill over the past few months: façade rehabilitation, sidewalk improvements, a community plaza. However, in this Tuesday’s election town and village voters overwhelmingly rejected the candidates most closely associated with those achievements. In the village, Trustee Sandy MacKay lost badly to brutish developer Mark Nadeau. The even more brutish developer Mark Galasso was returned to the Board of Trustees with almost twice the votes of his own running mate.

In the town council race, Brian Kaiser, of Cobleskill Partnership, Inc., the group responsible for the façade improvement program this summer, didn’t even come close to winning a seat on Cobleskill’s town board. I won’t try to sugar coat this election by pointing out what appear to be democratic victories in the town supervisor races in Cobleskill and Richmondville. These victories should not distract Schoharie County progressives from the fact that something went terribly wrong in the election for village officials and the Cobleskill Town Board.

Both Brian Kaiser and Sandy MacKay have been tireless advocates of Downtown Cobleskill. Yet when voters were asked who should represent them, they selected a slate of candidates that in large part shares their vision for Cobleskill with trustee Bob LaPietra, a man who recently pled guilty to election fraud charges and was just sentenced (this week) to three years probation. So what the fuck happened?

To some extent at least, we can thank the Times Journal for this outcome. In the months leading up to the election, hardly a week went by without the T-J obsessively covering every belch, snort and scratch by Nadeau. Conspicuously absent from the T-J was any ribbon-cutting fanfare or even minimal coverage of the new Main Street sidewalks (overseen by MacKay) or even any serious consideration of MacKay’s idea on how becoming a city could net the village an additional two million dollars a year in sales tax revenue.

But the fact that Jim Poole consistently gets it wrong is old news, as is the fact that Mark Galasso has more than enough money to buy himself, Bob LaPietra and all his crooked friends as many elections as they could ever want. Voters still overwhelmingly chose the candidates with the self-serving big fish in a small pond mentality and thumbed their noses at the candidates with a real record of accomplishment in this community.

But it’s not about MacKay and Kaiser. Hopefully they will continue in their efforts to build a viable and dynamic Downtown Cobleskill. Unfortunately, they will probably be slapped down at every turn by this entering class of goons on the Village Board who will likely rubber stamp every nasty idea that Mark Galasso and Bob LaPietra pull out of their asses.

Voters may have endorsed the simple, straightforward and appealing message of Nadeau and his slate (expand the tax base and lower property taxes) but they arguably didn’t consider the record of these candidates, they didn’t consider the range of implications of the political coalition that now has a majority, and they didn’t consider the full breadth of the toll that unchecked big box development would have on our local economy and environment. Stay tuned to witness the consequences of an uninformed electorate.


A.I. Dickless said...

"Brutish"!!!!!! Could it be a female now pens the slums? It would be fitting since the liberals were "gelded" in the election.

Anonymous said...

..."A.I. Dickless"!!! Such a hilarious nom' de plume! Deserves to be put up in, what, a big red neon sign visible from I-88?!?! Now, that would be a sight to see! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, never mind "big", howzabout: "HEUUUUUUG-EH"...but, I guess, not if you're...well, finish it yerself, yew ol' fool. :D :D :D

Dickless in Seattle said...

Hey Anonymous--- I appreciate your sense of humor. However, nom de guerre is more appropriate.What really scares me here is the wild emotional swings of the Cobleskill electorate. In the last election they voted out 65 year old Gilmore for a 21 year old Mike Sellers. This time around they run off a decidedly more informed candidate(A.I Sandy Mackay) for what appears to be a legislative neo-phyte. It would appear as though the telling lens of the TV camera is taking it's toll on the incumbents-- the "Brutish developer Mr. Galasso" being the notable and telling exception.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dickless-- Looks like Randy Sandy has a new job. Editor -in- chief of the Cobleskiller. I wonder if he can out yawn Patsy at the Village Board meetings. I look forward to his "Q&A" sessions with the "2 Marks"

Sean said...

Galasso is a "notable and telling exception" because of the size of his wallet, which also explains why the two other candidates in his full page ads did so well.

That and the fact that Nadeau's candidacy was covered glowingly in the T-J every week and MacKay was hardly mentioned.

Anonymous said...


Since when has the TJ had any noticeable effect on any recent elections? If the NY Times endorsed Mackay it wouldn't have mattered. Typical liberal-- always finding some excuse for their pathetic showing. Where is Bob Nied when you need him?

Anonymous said...

First it was "Brutish" now it is "covered glowingly". More evidence that Sean is now a "babe".

Reina said...

OK, first, the color scheme is awful. Please change it back to something that doesn't give me a headache trying to read it.

Second, how the hell is anybody supposed to make any kind of change in this town if all we have to choose from is "bad" and "worse"? The real travesty of this past election? None of these candidates has enough decent qualities to be any good. I have serious doubts that anybody with enough vision to make the right changes will ever be on the ballot.

You're almost right ... all of Cobleskill loses, not just downtown.

Sister Mary Elephant said...

Your lack of political acumen particularily of the local scene is giving "me a headache". All the candidates regardless of their political affiliation deserve our appreciation not the ridicule you foment. An "e-com entrepeneur by night" doesn't qualify you to pass judgement on people who actually put their time and effort into making our community better. Perhaps you should start living by the words you quote on your bio "...when we realize that we have always been and will always Words mean something. Lighten up Sister!!!!

The American Way said...

When Galasso, the Felon and the Contractor start pushing one insane idea after another designed to make them and their cohorts more money it is really going to get interesting. And you thought the indoor water park and the three new exit ramps were loony! Wait until they gut the enforcement of the building codes and rezone the entire Village. Put your pennies in the fuse box and bring on the welfare hotels, its fun time. And Do you think Neid and his watchdog gang have the stones to go toe to toe with "The Mark" or will they be too busy with the amateurs in Richmondville?

Anonymous said...

The American Way you and the local fools in Cobleskill may find this news article interesting.We in Maywood NJ sent LaPietra's ass out of town on a rail.

The Record (New Jersey)

Published: October 26, 1995
The former husband of a Maywood councilwoman was arrested Wednesday for allegedly assaulting two police officers and trying to escape from headquarters, where he was brought for failing to pay child support. Robert LaPietra, 51, the former husband of Councilwoman Lorraine LaPietra, was charged with attempted escape, two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, and resisting arrest.

Bail had not been set Wednesday for LaPietra, who was being held in the Bergen County Jail.

LaPietra owed $6,400 in support for two children, said Bergen County Sheriff John Terhune. An arrest warrant was issued Aug. 30. LaPietra also has pending charges of unlawful possession of a weapon. Terhune said his officers had staked out LaPietra's home on Tuesday night, but he never showed up.

Maywood police arrested LaPietra at his home Wednesday morning and brought him to headquarters. While they waited for sheriff's officers to pick him up, he allegedly leaped from his chair and attempted to run out the back door, police said.

"The door was double-bolted," said Sgt. Joseph Sacco, the arresting officer.

Sacco said he ran after LaPietra and the two struggled. Officers James Cullinane and Terence Kenny joined the struggle.

"He was resisting the whole time," Sacco said.

Sacco and Cullinane suffered minor bruises but did not need treatment.

Lorraine LaPietra, a librarian for the Hackensack school system, was elected to the council last fall. She is also a former president of the Maywood Board of Education.

Copyright 1995 Bergen Record Corp.

Can you say Felon on the Board?

I seem to remember reading your local paper and LaPietra said he did not want any payment for serving as a councilman. I now have information that he asked for or should I say demanded all of his back pay. File for freedom of information if you seek the truth.

Can you say liar on the Board?

The Village of Cobleskill had better get a lawyer because anything he votes on is not legal. A felony conviction, in NJ stays with him in NY. A felon can not serve in an elected position. Besides he does not even live in the Village.

He will "Gut" your Code office, he will "Gut" your Clerk's office and then he will "Gut" your Village.

I say to the good people of Cobleskill and to your new Mayor (prove you are for the people) send LaPietra packing just as we did in Maywood.

Mark my Words said...

It is going to be very hard to find a judge to nullify Lapietra's election. No Judge is going to overturn the "will of the people". Let's not forget that he beat an incumbent (Mcguire)by a wide margin.While it's readily apparent that you could have run a dead goat against Mcguire and won it doesn't negate the fact he won fair and square. Just imagine over 300 voters holding their noses going into the voting booths saying a non resident felon is better than this half-witch human. Can't say as I blame them. Anyway, my bet is Lapietra rides off into the sunset with his $1400 salary in hand laughing his balls off and life will return to normal.

Gary said...

@Sister Mary Elephant. I do not know who you are or what you have done for this village. You say in your comment toward Gina that she shouldn't pass judgement on people. But that is exactly what you have done to her. As far as I know you don't know what Gina has done for the area. At least Gina had the facts before she voiced her opinion, and as a taxpayer and business owner she still has that right. I know the local politicians would love for residents to act like cattle and do as they are told, but in the end they still work for the people. The minute they forget that is the minute they should get out of the chair they sit in. That is what happened in the last election. The people may not have liked one candidate more then the other, but they knew they didn't like what we had. You may not like what Gina had to say, but you know where she stands. If you think the people of this village got it wrong on election day, go to the meetings each month and make sure the elected officials hear what you have to say. Hold them to doing what is right for the village. I would be much happier with a person like Gina who tells it the way it is on my side, then I room full of people who are affraid to say anything because of what others may think. Maybe Gina has some of the same visions as you do for the village. Maybe she has a bigger vision of what this village can really be. You shouldn't knock people for voicing their opinion while others sit back and let the politicians do as they please. The people voted and they must have seen that this village needed something more then it was getting. Not everyone will agree with what is best for the village. I do know we all need to come together as a village and help each other, or the village will not make it.

Reina said...

@ Sister Mary Elephant: I have the same right to judge people as you do. I pay taxes here, I work here, I vote, and I have the nerve to post my face on my comment.

Despite the fact that I run a pro bono website for the benefit of the farmers in Schoharie county that gets more hits and better search rankings than the Chamber of Commerce, you still feel you have the right to say I'm not doing anything?

I never mentioned any political affiliation. Sniping at me because you think I'm an easy target won't fix the fact that Cobleskill's government is broken. You want positive? What are YOU doing to make things better?

Brenner Fissell said...

Good article, but you ought to have stopped your analysis with your critique of the electorate. You give far too much credit to media. This is a typical move of those whole love democracy but hates its actual results--"well the people were misled." Very Rousseauist (as usual) of you; the general will, when untainted, cannot err. Yeah right...

We ought not take critiques of democracy that may be viable on a national level, and apply them to local elections such as this. Given the extremely low turnout, it is perhaps more accurate to say that this was an "oligarchic" election. I dare not say aristocratic, as this would imply excellence. No, the only thing that makes this election undemocratic is its small numbers.

We live in a very small community and it is word of mouth, rumor, and personal memory that has the greatest impact. Before you go maligning the TJ as a microcosm of Fox News, remember that. Therefore, it is more probable that this election can be seen as (1) a reflection of long established personal loyalties or animosities, and (2) a focus on short term private interests.

And Gina has a point. As I once shared with the Mayor, John Stuart Mill's greatest critique against the idea of a village is that it would be too small to produce enlightened enough characters to stand for office.

Defender of the elephants said...

Hey Gary,

Your defense of poor Gina is admirable but weak. First off there are no facts in her post to get right. Saying the candidates are poor is not a fact it is her opinion. As for Gina posting her picture ---again that is a joke. That could be a pix of anybody. Finally your diatribe describing the voters as having a cattle mentality could't be farther from the truth.Just because Mackay got his ass kicked does not suggest that the electorate acted like cattle. More like sheep tired of getting fucked by self serving ego maniacal pseudo intellectuals. If I could find a pix of an elephant . It would have accompanied my post. Showing again how brave I am.

Anonymous said...

WTF is a "pro bono website". I think we have coined a new phrase at the Slums (oops Cobleskiller).

Rush Dildoe said...

Brutish-- comments on color scheme--- neophyte--- size of his wallet--covered glowingly---pro bono(er)---nom de plum---- nom deguerre--- what the fuck!!!!!! the chickification of the slums

Anonymous said...

Gina and her husband should go and learn grammar and spelling before they make commentary on politics. Anyone who can't tell when to use "than" instead of "then" would likely have been denied the vote during the days of a literacy test. Can you spell CHANGE, Gina?

Reina said...

Pro-Bono: done or donated without charge; free

My community service work is not the issue here. I was simply answering a statement that asked what I do for my community.

And really, picking on spelling and grammar? Is that the best you can do? Maybe we should go back in time 100 years as you suggest. Then you and I wouldn't be allowed to vote, either. After all, only free, white men over the age of 21 were allowed the vote back then. Kudos, though, for figuring out a simple relationship and verifying the truth of my previous post.

It's interesting that the more heated an argument gets, the more people hide behind anonymity.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you need to stop eating those "pro Bono" donuts.

Anonymous said...

Gina, why don't you shut it and take your fat government paycheck while you sit around at the county building (or worse, in albany). Stop complaining about government when you're sucking from the teat. You clearly don't look like you're starving, so don't bite the hand that feeds you oh so much.

Anonymous said...

I have to Agree with Rush Dildoe when he says "--- what the fuck!!!!!!" Without looking, do any of you still know what the topic is or are we just out to bash each other because Sandy lost. I think you all need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

Gina is the bravest person that has posted comments here. Insulting her looks!? Give me break -- Hey Gina ignore such responses and keep discussing issues if possible.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
"Gina is the bravest person that has posted comments here".

Please give me a break. Posting her picture does not obscure the fact that she is a moron. Her post deserves ridicule. And her rebuttal just adds fuel to the fire. When you identify yourself you better be prepared for a full frontal attack by all the masked posters on the web. If you can't take the heat don't put your fucking mug for everybody to see.If the pix was that of a gorgeous looking lady , Gina and her ilk would be the first to malign her for her looks. I can hear her now. "just another dumb ......." (fill in the blanks).Get a life lard ass.

Anonymous said...

Brave?? HAHAHA. That is like saying that a toddler is brave when it plays with snakes. Stupid and oblivious is more like it. Who the hell is Gina Davis anyway? It's not like she is risking a lot, she is a nobody! Any how pathetic, having your husband rescue you as an anonymous user. Real brave Mr. Davis. And your new blog sucks Gina, ok "honey?"

Anonymous said...

So who is Mark Nadeau going to pick to replace Bob? Anyone taking bets on this stuff?

Anonymous said...

brian kaiser

Anonymous said...

Andrea Nadeau

Anonymous said...

Bill Gilmore

vinny "sleeps with the fish" Cardone said...

Pauley "walnuts" danforth

Gary said...

Gina "Big Cheeks" Davis

Anonymous said...

Think he'll ask Linda the Angel?

Anonymous said...

Someone from the college

Anonymous said...

yup, someone from the college.

Thomas Paine said...

Someone from the college

Looks like we wont learn from our mistakes. Where did the illustrious trio of Gilmore, Brinkman, and Mcguire come from? The fucking college. What a recipe for disaster!!!Jesus they literally ran the village into the ground all the while spouting out how fucking intelligent they were and how dumb the rest of us were. Do us a favor find someone with common sense. No fucking PHD"S need apply!!!!!

Brenner Fissell said...

Before you "spout" off your own bullshit populism, you might consider that none of the triad you list ever had a PhD. In fact, they were all administrators, and not academics.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Pullin Said,

Brenner Fissell said...

And your name--Thomas Paine. How cute. You must be watching your Glenn Beck. Amazing that a "conservative" like Beck would write a book eulogizing a crazy anarcho-liberal like Paine. Actually, not amazing, since he is an uneducated demagogue who has no idea what he's talking about. Neither do you. Stay in the shadows and don't make an effront of your ignorance by naming yourself after a philosopher whom you know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Can and will someone please tell the public; how did the election ballots on elction night get from Cobleskill to the Board of Elections without a COURT ORDER?

Lew hAY said...

they hailed a taxi

Anonymous said...

This action was a violation of the law! Is the law enforced in Cobleskill?

Raphael Castro said...

hailing a taxi is a violation of the law???? This is not Cuba!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead make a joke, but it is not funny. This is a serious breach in the custody of evidence. This situation would be investigated if it were not in Schoharie County. Removed the ballots from Cobleskill to Schoharie without a court order. You try doing that, see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Thank god angels votes flew out the window on the way their

Anonymous said...

Go ahead make a joke

Here's the real joke. You are obviously a Linda Angle aplologist. She lost!!! Get over it. The fact that the machines didn't get an armed escort is moot. Fact is an unknown Democrat in a Republican stronghold won. It says more about the losing candidate Angel than the election commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead make a joke

Here's the real joke. You are obviously a Linda Angle aplologist. She lost!!! Get over it. The fact that the machines didn't get an armed escort is moot. Fact is an unknown Democrat in a Republican stronghold won. It says more about the losing candidate Angel than the election commissioners.

Anonymous said...


Friends of the people said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Let's all move in a positive direction in 2010!!!

Anonymous said...

The silence is deafing

Anonymous said...

A nice once rural community like coby is beginning to look more and more like long island. I guess those that could not make it down there moved here and are trying their best to recreate that dissfunctional and corrupt environment so that they may now fit. Ironically, their forefathers left brooklyn and queens under similar pretenes en route for LI a couple of generations ago. its all going to hell so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

sometimes i watch the scho network and listen to the town and village meetings, and I am amazed that inbreeding can no longer be attributed to a majority of the players in this town. Or perhaps they were distant cousins.

Anonymous said...

From de plume to de guerre to de, uh, "toady"...what's in a name, anyway?

Anonymous said...

Bookmarked this. Thank you after sharing. Positively value my time.

srfliny said...

Well..... It's nice to see things haven't changed much in Cobleskill... Bob got elected to what? I worked for Bob Lapietra at the diner. He's Koo Koo for CoCo Puffs!!!!! You people elected him? Did he run on the T-Party scam? I am a hard line conservative and I wouldn't vote for that man. I wouldn't let him watch my garbage for fear he would eat it. Then sue me for the damages.

I seriously suggest that you have the water in Cobleskill tested.... Someone obviously dumped in gallons of LSD on the morning of election day.

Bob was convicted of election fraud? He serving three years probation?

He was a convicted felon from New Jersey how the hell could he get elected to anything. I knew this because I looked him up in the Department of Criminal Justice data base when I began working for him in that God forsaken diner. Something about him just didn't seem on the level and I was correct. What the hell is going on in Cobleskill?

I moved away from there in 2007. I miss the country living but I don't miss freezing my ass off up in Summit. I do miss the wonderful old woman at the Charlotteville general store... Hello Gorgianna. I bet Dicky Buffo is still driving around Cobleskill in that big blue Donut truck!

Well it all fits in the scheme of things really. The cops are corrupt.. The judges are corrupt... Why not the local politicians... Hope you all sort it out.

I have some funny stories about Bob Lapietra if you want to hear some... let me know... I'll never forget the time I was getting ready to fry up some Calimari at the diner and he took the raw squid and ate it in front of me.... I mean the man is a danger to himself. You elected him?

Anonymous said...

This is a superior article as they all are. I bring into the world been wondering nearly this an eye to some beat now. Its notable to get this info. You are fair and balanced.

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

Just found this great place and found it really interesting :)

Looking to have some good fun with you guys!

Regards :)

Anonymous said...

hi sean...just want 2 say "Thank You"...and also, perhaps, check out the following: Hey, (illegetimi non corbatum...and if the spelling ain't right, what the... :))

Anonymous said...

Oops, actually: "carburundum". Well, correction (as opposed to revisionism)is how I try to, um, roll. :) :) :) 'bye bye :(

Mark Nadeau said...